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- Amy

Don't be a Woulda Coulda Shoulda

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So many people are still beating themselves up over “the one that got away” when it comes to the real estate market. They didn't realize that the housing bubble would eventually burst. Many people made the mistake of buying properties at top dollar and never expecting the market to shift. Some people waited too long and didn't act when the market was good, and they are still reeling from those decisions.

The question is will you see the signs of the next housing trend?

Over the last four years, prices have adjusted by a 30% correction nationally. In the Chicagoland area, some corrections have been as much a 50%. We have a high foreclosure rate here. In fact, Illinois has the fifth most foreclosures in the entire nation. The only state above us are California, Arizona, Nevada and Florida.

New home sales are nonexistent in our area. Interest rates are only slightly above record lows. Consumer goods are skyrocketing, and the budget deficit and national debt are staggering. Escalating inflation appears certain. But, all is not lost.

Forget investing in stocks. Forget investing in gold. After four years of plunging prices, the most attractive asset class is housing. That is quoted directly from the senior editor at Fortune magazine.

Where Do I Invest My Money?

There is no question that investing in the housing market right now is a sure fire way to plan for your financial future. Buying homes at rock-bottom prices with low interest rates has never been more possible than it is right now. You might decide that you want to buy a home to live in, but you may also make the decision to start buying investment properties while this market is so good.

If you would have known that this was the best buyer's market, you could have taken advantage of the prices and interest rates. In other words, you should have fixed your cost of housing for years to come. Don't catch yourself being a “woulda shoulda coulda”!

You owe it to yourself and your family to get firsthand, experienced information to see what your options really are today. You may be surprised you can purchase a home to live in or as an investment. As your lifelong real estate consultant, I am here to give you the benefit of my experience and knowledge of our local marketplace. I would love to chat with you about your real estate questions and concerns. I look forward to our phone call.
Contact Amy and the Team